October update


Good grief, it’s October already and there’s still loads to do. Of course all this was supposed to be done by now and I was aiming to be moved in and on to the second phase. Predictably everything takes longer and costs more than you expect so phase one (make the house livable) is very much still ongoing. Here’s what I’ve been up to recently.

Removed the wallpaper from the hall walls and round front door. I’m going to leave the wall in its raw state as it looks pretty interesting. I’m not sure yet what to do with the doorway.

Sanded the woodwork in both bedrooms and painted first primer coat thereby removing all traces of the weak-tea coloured paint that was there before. None of this is exactly pretty but it will become much more interesting in the near future.

There have also been some changes in the garden thanks to various plant themed birthday presents from friends and family. Thanks all.

Finally some rocks I dug out of the garden. There are quite a few of these around and in the other gardens, I think they may have been part of the original boundary wall. Most of the ones in the pic below were buried edge up as a divider. They are actually huge and could be used in all sorts of ways.


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